software & consulting

Image Exchange for
chromeriver api


Implements the latest Chrome River REST API

Invoice and Expense Images

Line Item Expense Imaging

Aderant and Expert Imaging native integration

Bill To PDF


High performance, batch document conversion

Runs on the latest OS and Word 2010 or higher

Acrobat Distiller not required

Convert 2500+ files per hour

External Images


Directly import images from external sources

Users simply drop files in a network folder

Barcode number is automatically assigned

New Expert Imaging module manages image files

Bank Lockbox


Automatically separates lockbox images

Creates PDF for each check deposit and backup

Optionally creates GI text file

Supports BofA, Wells Fargo, Chase, JPM

Doc Retention


Easily enforce document retention policies

Supports custom policies

Safely deletes files and database entries

Runs as an automated scheduled task